Established in 2002, the Shakthi Illam is a home for children affected by civil strife and natural disasters. The home also is for children from families below the poverty line.

Currently, approximately 56 children are receiving the much-deserved love and family atmosphere at Shakthi Illam. All our children are well looked after and provided with educational support, tuition classes, a computer lab, as well as extracurriculars such as dance classes and sports.

Manitha Neyam Trust gives utmost importance to education, especially English and IT Education, which is a key to the future of the children to find employment. MNT assists Shakthi Illam to arrange teachers to teach the English language to the children, and lecturers to teach them basics in IT to empower the students in the IT field.

We thank all of our donors for helping us support this project amongst many!