Sitthi Vinayagar Hindu College Student Hostel – Mannar, Sri Lanka

Manitha Neyam Trust supports a multitude of students in the Mannar district who lost one or both of their parents in the war, and/or live under the poverty line. These students are supported by providing Rs.2000-5000 to cover boarding, tuition, transport and meals. Some of these students stay at the Sitthi Vinayagar Student Hostel, while others commute to school, via transport provided.

We met Anitharani and Venuja during one visit to the hostel. Anitharani and Venuja are looking forward to their Advanced Level and Ordinary Level examinations, respectively, and they conveyed their heartiest thanks to the donors who helped them fund their education, as their families were unable to. 

From Anitharani:
“Thanks to the donors and Trust, me and my friends were able to study. If not, sitting for the Advanced level exam is only a dream”. 

So, thank you to all of you donors, your generosity has had a major impact on MNT children’s lives. We look forward to giving you more updates on the various projects you all help support!